Fee Management System & Student online Fees Collection module
A professional Student Fee Management module for handling student fees and managing fees collection
- Are you managing fees and installments manually?
- Are your finding it difficult to keep track of installments and PDC's?
- Are you wasting too much time in calculating exact taxes?
- Are you spending too much on buying tax software which is not actually customizes for schools and class fee collection?
Then MyClassAdmin Student Fee Management Module is what you really need!!
Special features of MyClassAdmin Student Fee Management System
Fee Management | Receipt Generation | Fee Installments Management | Cheque Management | Accept fees online
- Create your own fee structure in MyClassadmin Fee Management System.
- Using Student Fee Management System you can generate and print Receipts. Taxes are calculated automatically.
- Students Fee Management System can get auto-notification for the upcoming installment due date
- Get monthly fee collection, monthly tax reports.
- Easily manage your PDCs, manage the status of each individual cheque deposited/bounced/cleared etc.
- Online fees payment integration. (Optional).

- Fee Package Management
- Multi-year Admissions & Fee Recording
- Receipt Printing
- Installment Management
- PDC Management
- Collection Report
- Tax Report